Every Monday at 6.15pm Milford Cruising Club

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The NZ Epic Journey 2020

Travelling the less-trodden roads of NZ, raising funds for Hospice and Life Education Trust, Rotarian camaraderie and witnessing NZ at its very best. We are referring to our Epic Journey – a bunch of dedicated Members, past members and partners who embarked on a 6-day tour of the North Island late in November 2020. The track was marked out by Bill, Peter & Gail so that we saw much of the beauty of our country otherwise lost on us. Back-country roads (some took their lives into their own hands and tripped out to the East Cape lighthouse, on a mixture of dirt and seal), towns that lay trapped in a time-warp (Wairoa, especially Ostley’s Bakery!) and many magnificent landscapes. Through it all we raised around $23,000 for Rotary causes and in doing so had a huge amount of fun.

The NZ Epic Journey.png
Natasha Prendergast